Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

By using the same tools and techniques that cyber adversaries use, penetration testing replicates the conditions of a genuine attack.

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A magnifying glass is looking at a blue circle with exclamation points on it.

In-depth security testing

Our certified experts identify security problems beyond the capacity of automated tools, proof of which we have reported vulnerabilities to: Cisco, Microsoft, PayPal, Netflix, Bizagi, Radware, ISACA, among others. None were discovered with automated tools.

A blue icon of a scroll with a padlock attached to it.

Compliance and regulations

It complies with several security standards such as: PCI-DSS, PA-DSS, ISO 27001, SBS 504, SOX, SBS, HIPPA that request regular penetration tests to be carried out within your infrastructure.

A computer monitor with three bombs falling on it.

Evasion of security controls

The tests performed attempt to evade perimeter security controls, such as intrusion detection systems and access controls, to help make visible the organization's capabilities to detect and respond to cybersecurity incidents.

An icon of a cell phone and a computer screen with a check mark in the middle.

Customized and detailed reports

We provide professional reports with achievable recommendations and fixes. They detail the most critical security issues free of false positives to help you prioritize and focus efforts on intelligent remediation. We report vulnerabilities in real time to speed up the remediation process.

How does it work?

  • Simulate real-world attacks on different components of your IT environment to test detection and response capabilities.

  • Assesses cybersecurity controls to safely identify and exploit to help remediate vulnerabilities in computer systems, applications, and websites.

  • All vulnerabilities reported by Deep Security once they have been remediated include verification of the remediation (retest) at no additional cost, no matter how many times it is necessary (unlimited retest).

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Experts with more than 15 years of experience in Cybersecurity

We are a company specialized in offering cybersecurity solutions and services, with a team made up of recognized experts who guarantee the best option in offensive security and protection for your brand, your data and collaborators against advanced threats.

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A person is holding a cell phone in front of a keyboard that says access granted
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